Stephane Larue Stephane Larue

Forescout 2022 IOT Devices Security Report

It is clear for a few years now that IOT devices in our different industry has become a primary target for cyber criminals that want to penetrate or disrupt orperations. The below report by forescout dig out on the main threat and challenges of this neglected aspect of security in a smart way. Analysing the problem in different industry verticals and pointing out again and again three main point of attention:

  1. Know what you have

  2. Upgrade your devices

  3. Patching Patching and Patching.

These basic security hygiene principles makes total senses in the world of IOT as customers and IOT vendors races to come-up with strategies matching the onces of major software vendors.

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Stephane Larue Stephane Larue

Enisa Threat Landscape 2021

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The European Agency for Cyber Security pulbilsh a yearly European centered threat landscape report. An interesting read to get a picture of the actual cyber menace for European Companies.

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